ProSound Featured Artists
Welcome! This is the music home of friends and customers of ProSound.com who make what we think of as good music. Good music is music we like, bad music is music we don't like. (Well, that's pretty cheeky, you say, how dare they define music in those terms, just to dismiss it if you don't like it. Sorry, that's the way it is, go elsewhere if this disagrees with you). More realistically, this is the home of music, sound and recordings done by people who truly mean it from the heart when they are doing their work. Try some, there are interesting things to be sampled here.
Are you a customer or associate of ProSound who'd like to share your music here? Send us your info & music here!
‘Actual Size’ – The Best Band That Never Was

This is a long story told short. There were hundreds of anecdotal road-horror sub-stories beneath this, and a long, circuitous path from the start to the end. But in slicing those all away we begin a long time ago in a faraway place known as West Lafayette, Indiana, with a band called Bandanna. The group [...]
Catching Up with Cathryn Beeks: Musician and Talent Promoter

Bands and musicians seek her out for gaining exposure while fans of country-rock embrace the driving vocals she injects into her own catalog of songs. Meet singer- songwriter and talent impresario Cathryn Beeks, known widely as the host of The Homegrown Hour, which airs at 8 p.m. on Sundays on 102.1 KPRI radio. Cathryn is [...]
Josh Damigo Turns a Heavy Heart into Award-Winning Acoustic Music

Call it a case of early musical repression that led Josh Damigo into becoming a heartfelt acoustic singer/songwriter with numerous awards under his belt. While starting piano lessons in the second grade, Josh’s fundamental Baptist parents allowed him to listen only to “safe music” on an oldies station. Marching bands were OK, too, although music [...]
Andy Robinson Loves his Mountain Dulcimer, and So Do We

Since breaking from his progressive rock band days in San Diego and a wide variety of musical projects in Los Angeles, ranging from synthesizer pop to folk rock, Andy Robinson has excelled as a solo recording artist, reveling in the creative freedom to master numerous instruments for compiling songs stamped with reflective moodiness and unshakable [...]
Neal Fox: A Multi-Media Wizard

Ask Neal Fox about nearly any social issue, the power of audio branding and the frustrations that musicians experience when signing onto major record labels, and he can likely answer with a provocative CD, multimedia show or television jingle he composed. Neal’s illustrious career has spanned from producing music for hundreds of commercials (Coke, Disney, [...]
ProSound sells audio solutions to people, both live audio reinforcement and recording-related. Our customers keep coming back to us with their albums and we've noticed that a lot of what we hear is quite good. This area is a salute to some of these people, who have allowed us to show the fruits of their hard work on this site. With luck, this may grow into a showplace for the growing community of great friends and customers we have had the pleasure to serve. Let us know if you would like to participate. If you are a customer or associate of ProSound and have some good music to share, we might be able to put it up on the web, offer it for sale, and help the world know about it.